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Emergency Dentistry – Dallas, TX 

Call Us When You Need Urgent Dental Help

Everyone knows that you should visit the emergency room when you need immediate medical attention, but what about emergencies related to your teeth and gums? Arts Family Dentistry of Dallas can get you the help you need as soon as possible with a same-day emergency appointment. Call us immediately for emergency dentistry in our Dallas, TX dental office if you have a broken tooth, a knocked-out tooth, severe pain in your mouth, or any other symptoms that require immediate attention from a caring, knowledgeable dental team.

Woman in pain before emergency dentistry

Why Choose Arts Family Dentistry of Dallas for Emergency Dentistry?


How We Treat Dental Emergencies

Man in pain before emergency dentistry


The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Our team is trained to handle a wide array of dental emergencies, and we encourage you to call us immediately whenever the need for urgent care arises. If you aren’t able to get to our dental office immediately, you can still take a few steps to reduce your pain and prevent any further damage to your teeth and gums. Below is a list of some particularly common dental emergencies as well as some tips for treating them before you get to our dental office.


Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies

Mother and children checking in for emergency dentistry visit

Just as there’s no one form a dental emergency can take, there’s no one price we can attach to treatment. It all depends on what you need to protect your overall oral health; sometimes, a simple prescription is enough, but there are times you might need more extensive treatment as well. Our priority will be to stop your pain before we make recommendations for further treatment, at which point we’ll explain the costs involved.


Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

Dental hygienist smiles

As much as we love seeing our patients, it’s always preferable to avoid dental emergencies rather than to treat them when they occur. The best way to avoid these painful and expensive ordeals is to maintain excellent oral hygiene and dental safety habits. Here are a few important ways to keep your teeth in great shape so you can avoid having to schedule an emergency dental visit at our Dallas office.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Lady smiles at dentist

The American Dental Association recommends that everyone has at least two routine exams and cleanings every year so their teeth can be monitored and treated by a qualified dental professional. In addition to giving your mouth a deep cleaning, these appointments allow any issues to be treated in their early stages and patients to receive crucial advice about their oral hygiene practices. Seeing us at our Dallas office regularly can save you from many dental emergencies.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene at Home

Man reaches for toothbrush?

Your oral hygiene routine at home is your first line of defense against harmful oral bacteria that can cause enamel erosion, tooth decay, and tooth loss. Make sure you stick to a daily regimen of brushing, flossing, and using antibacterial mouthwash to eliminate food debris and harmful oral bacteria. This will keep your teeth shiny and your breath fresh while also helping you to avoid painful dental crises.

Stick to a Nutritious Diet

Fruits and veggies?

Smart eating habits make for a healthy body and healthy teeth. By enjoying foods that are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals while limiting your consumption of sugar, acid, and saturated fat, you can provide your teeth and gums with the nutrition they need to stay strong while protecting your enamel from erosion and harmful oral bacteria. A few great items to include in your diet include fruits, veggies, lean meat, and dairy products.

Wear a Mouthguard

Man wears mouthguard

While sports are excellent ways to get exercise, learn teamwork, and have fun, they involve a risk of dental injuries. To protect your teeth from cracks, chips, and fractures that can occur from a fall or a blow to the face, wear a mouthguard when you ride a bike or play sports. If you grind your teeth in your sleep, wear a nightguard to bed. We offer customized mouthguards and nightguards that offer superior protection to store-bought varieties.

Use Tools to Open Packages, Not Your Teeth

Man opens bottle with opener

Human teeth are designed for smiling, eating, and speaking, and using them for anything else constitutes dental abuse. Never use your teeth to chew on non-food items such as paperclips, writing utensils, or ice or for purposes such as untying knots or opening packages or bottles, as these activities have led to countless dental emergencies.

Root Canals

Animated tooth during root canal therapy

Root canals are often associated with severe dental pain; however, the reality is that the treatment is a solution for dental discomfort and not a cause. It involves opening up the tooth and taking out damaged or infected dental pulp, thus removing the source of the pain. Your mouth will be numbed during the procedure, meaning it won’t be any more uncomfortable than getting a filling. Oftentimes, a root canal is the only way to save a tooth from being extracted.

Learn More About Root Canal Treatment


Tooth Extractions

Metal clasp holding an extracted tooth

We only suggest removing natural teeth as a last resort. Sometimes, severely decayed or broken teeth are beyond the point of repair and thus, need to be taken out before they can cause any more damage to the rest of the mouth. Of course, since you need a full set of teeth for your smile to function at its best, we will help you take the necessary steps to replace your missing tooth with a dental bridge, denture, or implant.


Understanding the Cost of Emergency Dentistry

Mother and children checking in for emergency dentistry visit

Just as there’s no one form a dental emergency can take, there’s no one price we can attach to treatment. That’s why we can’t provide you with a number until you come in for your appointment! Our priority will be to stop your pain before we make recommendations for further treatment, at which point we’ll explain the costs involved. You can learn more general information on the topic in the meantime by reading on!

Every Dental Emergency is Different

patient reviewing xray with patient

Simply put, the cost of your emergency dental care depends on what you need to protect your overall oral health. Sometimes, a simple prescription is enough, but there are times you might need more extensive treatment as well (i.e., dental crown, root canal, tooth extraction). Don’t worry – we won’t leave you in the dark about what we find during your emergency exam, the best way to intervene to restore your pain-free smile, or the price. In fact, our Dallas dental team will take the time to review all of your treatment options and financial solutions so you feel confident moving forward.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

dental insurance form on tablet on desk

If you have dental insurance, it’s important to take a look at the fine print on your dental plan. Does it mention waiting periods, annual maximums, yearly deductibles, and the like? If so, then that will impact your coverage. With all of that said, there’s a good chance that your provider will cover a portion of the cost – whether it’s the emergency exam or 50%-80% of the necessary restorative care. If you need any help understanding your benefits, you’re always welcome to ask us for help too. We have experience working with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Guardian, and several other popular providers!

Other Options for Making Dental Emergencies Affordable

woman smiling at reflection in handheld mirror

Since roughly 50% of patients don’t have dental insurance, we understand the importance of offering other financial solutions. That’s why we offer our own membership plan, which comes with benefits like 20% off certain treatments without waiting periods, yearly maximums, and the like. Additionally, we welcome CareCredit flexible financing so you don’t have to pay for the entire cost of your restorative or cosmetic care at once. Finally, we offer periodic special offers, like a $50 emergency visit, to help keep the price affordable.

Taking Care Of Your Smile Can Save You Money

dentist, dental assistant, and patient giving thumbs up

Over the years, you might have heard your parents, friends, and dentist tell you that you should brush consistently, floss daily, etc. Habits like these won’t just leave your smile looking great and your breath minty-fresh; they will also help protect your teeth and gums from cracks, chips, fractures, and other dental damage. In other words, committing to good oral hygiene habits will help prevent a dental emergency and save you money!

More to Explore

I Need a Checkup & Cleaning I Need a Dentist for My Child I am Concerned About Bleeding Gums I Have a Cavity or Broken Tooth I am Missing One or More Teeth I Want to Enhance My Smile I Want a Straighter Smile I am Scared of the Dentist I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed View Our Services


Is My Toothache a Dental Emergency? Before you dismiss your toothache as nothing to be concerned about, we recommend assessing your symptoms. Has the pain persisted for more than 24 hours? Does it hurt to bite down? Are you struggling with dental sensitivity? If you answered “yes,” then your toothache warrants a visit with our Dallas dental team.

How You Should Handle a Toothache In addition to scheduling an appointment with us for an emergency exam, we recommend doing what you can to protect your tooth from harm and alleviate your discomfort. A few examples include sticking to soft foods, using cold compresses, taking OTC pain medication, and rinsing with warm saltwater periodically.

How We Treat Toothaches When you arrive for your appointment, we will learn all about your symptoms and examine your tooth. Once we’ve pinpointed the root of the problem, we can review your treatment options with you, like a dental crown or root canal.

Chipped Tooth

Is a Chipped Tooth a Dental Emergency? A chipped tooth doesn’t always necessitate a same-day visit. It does, however, always warrant a call to our Dallas office because we need to conduct an exam before the end of the week to make sure an infection won’t develop or the tooth won’t break further.

How You Should Handle a Chipped Tooth After rinsing your mouth thoroughly with clean, room-temperature water, we recommend covering the tooth with sugar-free gum. This will help prevent sensitivity as well as further damage.

How We Treat Chipped Teeth In some cases, cosmetic dental bonding can quickly restore the missing structure of a tooth. In other cases, the chip is large enough that it necessitates a veneer. Don’t worry – we will share our recommendation at your appointment and answer any questions you have so you can confidently make a decision regarding what’s best for you.


Cracked Tooth

Is a Cracked Tooth a Dental Emergency? Yes! It’s important that we mention here that you might not always be able to see the damage either. So, if you are experiencing symptoms of a cracked tooth, like pain when biting down, don’t ignore it – call us ASAP to schedule an emergency exam.

How You Should Handle a Cracked Tooth It’s important that you call us right away so we can see you for treatment as soon as possible. Outside of that, we recommend avoiding crunchy foods, not chewing on that side of your mouth, rinsing periodically with clean, room-temperature water, and not touching the tooth with your finger.

How We Treat Cracked Teeth Depending on the size of the crack, we may be able to save your tooth. If that’s not possible, we will restore the look, health, and function of your smile by gently removing the tooth and putting a dental bridge or implant in its place.

Very Sensitive Teeth

Knocked-Out Tooth

Lost Filling or Crown

Broken Denture

Loose Permanent Tooth

Injury to the Gums, Lips, or Tongue

Jaw Pain

Something Stuck Between the Teeth